Squid Game

Money or life? This is the choice you will have to make in this thrilling game. Why should you choose from extremes? Because it is the only way to get an incredible cash prize that can solve all your financial issues. So let us have a closer look at Squid Game to understand why it is a real horror. Here, a player joins a group of other participants, willing to try their luck. Once you express your agreement to play, there is no way back. You need to go through all trials, of course if you are alive by the time the next competition begins. And it is not only an ominous thread, it will happen in reality. If you have watched a scandalous show, you know the contestants had to go through six challenges that were based on innocent chidren’s games. Nothing special, you will say. But wait with conclusions until you find yourself on the playing field. The first task is to cross the wheat field and become the first one who will reach a giant on the other side of it. But actually, only one person will do it as others will be shot in the process. The joy seems over, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, players did not learn all the rules of the competition. So you need to know that you can run only when the light indicator shows green color. With the red color switching on, all movements are strictly forbidden. And it is better not to violate this rule if you want to save your life. Shortly after the start, you will realize it is not a joke. You will hear the first shots and see people falling dead. Now you have figured out why there are so many armed soldiers around. Unfortunately, no one can change these insane requirements and you must continue running no matter what. The next competition is designed for two teams. Players are divided into two groups and the task is to pull the rope between them. The stronger team wins, and the member of the weaker one will immediately be executes by the guillotine. The further, the worse, do you agree? There are fewer and fewer contenders for victory, and the atmosphere is really strained. So what’s next? Now you are invited to test your luck on the glass bridge. It seems reliable, but several tiles will immediately break once you step them. So pray hard for your instincts not to let you down. Only a miracle can help you survive now. Are you still willing to join this entertainment and test your physical and mental endurance? Then do not hesitate to start Squid Game immediately!

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