Ice Scream 4

No matter how well you played in the previous parts of Ice Cream Horror, you managed only to save children. But the main villain, the ice cream maker, remained at large. And it looks like he can’t be stopped. This time, you and your friends ended up in the clutches of an ice cream maker who chased you all the previous parts. And now, this ugly monster decides to take you to his own factory. Once you reach this terrible place, you will face more opponents. Now, you also deal with Rod’s assistants. You need to be extremely careful, because the main villain can reach you in a matter of seconds – you are on his territory. In order to escape from the cage, you need to be smart and unscrew the bolts. But do it with utmost care for no one to suspect anything. Then, the fun begins – this is an adventure through a huge factory. In this new episode, you will be able to find out the details about Rod’s family, explore his factory, and reveal many secrets explaining why he turned into a terrifying monster. In the previous parts, you were playing only against Rod, but in this part, you will have to deal with other opponents who work for him. For example, these are guards that are protecting the factory.
Also, the antagonist has 3 robots, which in the previous parts were 3 mutant chickens. And these disgusting creatures will be trying to find you everywhere. If you come across one of them, they will immediately scream, ring the bell to immediately call the enemy. And if you don’t make it in time, the game is over. For the first time in the entire series of Ice Cream Horror, developers invite you to play in an open world. You can freely explore a huge map, without annoying loading screens. It entirely changes the overall perception of the game. You will also enjoy a large number of interesting puzzles, beautiful new locations, plot videos, answers to all the questions that have tormented you for so long. The gameplay is accompanied by an exciting soundtrack. And in case you are stuck with some quests, there is a system of hints that you can use at any time to move to a new level. There are several levels of difficulty. You can choose the most comfortable for you. The immortality mod will allow you to quickly reach the target and not worry about your safety. Other levels are really dangerous and full of horrors.

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