Hello Neighbor

Looking for some thrilling adventure? Then you must try Hello Neighbor. In this game, you will have to sneak into your neighbor’s house to find out what terrible secrets he hides in the basement. You are confronted by dangerous artificial intelligence that learns from your every move. This is a puzzle that is almost impossible to complete without using the tips on the Internet. The plot is very simple – the main character is trying to find out what his strange neighbor is hiding in his house. The AI opponent can foresee almost all your actions. If you often climb through the window – you will soon find a trap under it, if you follow the same route several times – you will shortly find a camera on your way.

The antagonist also has a good ear – he will not miss any movement. You can hide from a neighbor in a closet, distract him with the help of noise, or just go around by bending over. So the whole game you will move around the locations, choosing paths that do not irritate the enemy and solving puzzles. The plot consists of three stories, telling you about three different moments from the life of the main hero. The first two parts are not too difficult. Every time you will become a witness of something that looks like a crime. And you will necessarily want to know the truth. But in the third act, a real nightmare awaits you. The neighbor’s house grows to incredible sizes, and the tasks become extremely difficult. As you move on, the plot develops into a surreal knot, which only members of thematic forums can understand and solve. Each new level, the opponent’s house becomes more modernized and the penetration into it is more and more difficult. You will soon discover that there are cameras everywhere that can successfully track your every move. And don’t try to save yourself now, because your enemy will easily find a way to catch and punish you. As you progress, it is difficult not to feel anger and powerlessness. Even when you manage to remain alive until ending, it will hardly put everything in its place. Firstly, it comes too unexpectedly, and secondly, it only deepens the general misunderstanding. You will refuse to believe that this faded episode can be the final scene of an intricate detective story. So it is not accidentally that this game was called surrealistic horror. But if you like never-ending stories, you will enjoy this one too. But you need to test it yourself!

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