
A series about evil Granny has really become a hit! There is no one who would have remained indifferent to this horror story. Have you already tried it? Its main character is a creepy old woman who has been staying in her old abandoned house for many years. Loneliness has turned her into a real monster, and now she hates everyone around. Granny is armed with a big baseball bat and is ready attack anyone she finds in her house and beat him to death. Besides, her appearance is really disgusting – she looks like a zombie, with white eyes and bloody mouth. Her hair is unkempt and tangled, and she is wearing a long untidy shirt. It is more than obvious that you cannot expect anything good from meeting with this character. One morning, you will wake up in this dreadful place. And you will not be able to recollect what brought you here. Anyway, it does not matter. Now, you need to develop an escape plan. But it only sounds easy, in reality, you will have to go through a true nightmare to realize it. You will have to explore a huge house in search of a way out, and fear will bind your body. Granny will follow you on your heels and will not miss the opportunity to use her weapon to defeat you. This monster will use every opportunity to catch you. But if you are smart enough, you can try to trick her. Try to escape from this terrible house. You can hide from the monster in the closet or under the bed. But the main idea is not to attract attention, that is, not make any noise – avoid dropping objects, rustling, shouting. Do not even breathe. Then Granny will not understand exactly where you are, and you will have enough time to take study the rooms, look for clues or get out. You will have only 5 days to run away. It will not be easy, because the evil monster controls your every step and rushes in at the slightest sound you make. If you make a wrong move, your enemy will immediately appear behind your back. So you should not allow yourself to relax even for a minute. If you catch her eye or get too close, she will immediately hit you with her bat and one day will be lost. After each death, you will wake up in your room and will start everything anew. But after the fifth death, the adventure will be over for you. If you are not afraid of ghosts and abandoned houses, then start playing immediately. There are enough thrills here, but only the most inventive and courageous players will reach the final.

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