It only seems that childhood fears are well forgotten and left in the past. You can bring them all back to life in Five Nights at Freddy’s. If you are looking for some thrill, do not miss a chance to play this horror game. Everything starts when the main character, Mike Schmidt, gets a job in a pizzeria. His task is to guard this place and it seems really simple thing to do. But he does not even suspect what a nightmare is waiting for him. When, finally, the hero remains alone, he receives a strange call. When Mike picks up the phone, the unknown begins to tell him about all the horrors he needs to go through and how to avoid death during the restless night. As it turns out, it was the previous guard who called. It may sound silly, indeed, as there are only three mechanical toys here – Freddie Bear, Chiki and his friends. All is fine during the daytime when there are many visitors here with kids. You see that toys entertain the guests and there is much fun around. But everything changes as soon as the night falls. Unexpectedly, these lovely characters come to life and start moving around the building, peeping into every room in search of somebody alive. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? What should the poor guard do to save his life? He cannot relax when he remains face to face with diabolical toys. The main hero will have to stay in the guard’s room, from where he can follow the animators via video cameras. Mike’s room has two electronic doors. They will need a lot of electricity to keep them always closed. So you need to maneuver to distribute this resource correctly and not to be left in the complete darkness. Try to close the doors only when bloodthirsty toys approach the room. Once your energy level drops to zero, animatronics will easily reach you, and the game will be over for you. All the events will be accompanied by very frightening screams that make you shudder now and then. Do not let these terrible sounds disorientate you and lose treacherous creatures out of sight. Do not take your eyes off them to have time to close the door. You are going to spend five sleepless and terrible nights alone with Freddie and his friends. The only way to survive is to continuously monitor cameras and close the doors in time to block animatronic outside. The main thing is to keep your position safe from midnight till six am. Then you will survive. Good luck in this thrilling adventure!

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